Saturday, November 9, 2013


It was so hot yesterday. 109.4 degrees to be exact. We went to visit a little 4 year old girl, Rosa, who was born with no eyes and her mom, Karen. Karen is a beautiful well manicured young mother probably in  her mid twenties . She is similar in age to my own daughters. Her house is decorated for Christmas , modest , clean and welcoming.  Her little girls room looks like any other little girls room in Canada with Dora the explorer, Peter Pan and Wendy, stuffed animals all lined up neatly and a little desk for her. It is just so lovely . It feels like a good place. I could see the love of a mother's heart for her daughter and as we gather around first in her kitchen. Rosa has had artificial eyes put in and her mother encourages her to greet each of us .Some one from Canada has paid to have the eyes put  in and someone is providing money for training for Rosa.  She has such a pretty smile and a tiny little girl with her hair in a ponytail. Like most children after a few minutes she wants to go to play so she goes out to the porch where Chepe and Alfredo are and they keep an eye on her. There does not seem to be anyone taking a lead yet . We sing praises and a song Open the Eyes of my heart. We are bold. We want God to give Rosa new eyes. We first pray for Karen and we ask her what she is thankful for in Rosa. Her eyes fill with tears and you can see such love but as parents ourselves , we just get it. We have the same love for our children. Karen is no different . She tells us she is thankful that Rosa is healthy unlike some other children she sees, that she loves her independence, that she can run and play. How do we put into words the love we have for our children. Words seem to fall short.
Sandie moves outdoors and we all go out with Rosa there. I can not remember the exact way things happen even after a day. The Holy spirit prompts us. There is no formula. Kim receives a vision of an angel over Rosie with a box with eyes for Rosa in it. Annette has mentioned before about banks of supplies in heaven like eyes. Chepe , our driver , accepted Christ as his Lord and savoir the night before and it seems right that he give them to Rosa. Kim asks him if he can see these eyes for Rosa and the box. He says he can so he goes over and bends at the little girl and he takes the eyes that he sees in his head out of the box and he puts them in her eyes. First on her left eye and then on her right eye. Chepe is a young man with no children of his own yet but children are drawn to him and he is a father figure. Rosa's earthy father is not in the picture in this family but the heavenly Father is there for both Rosa and Karen. This is Chepe's first act as a new Christian.  It feels so natural to do this but to those of you reading the blog from home, you will be wondering. Sandie takes the anointing oil that Lynda has in her purse and she too bends on her knees at Rosa's feet and with the oil prays over Rosa and makes the shape of the cross on this little girls forehead. There is such beauty in being obedient to the call of the Holy Spirit. Sandie prays a hedge of protection around the whole house and goes around the house to do this.  Alfredo's aunt is on the porch with us and this Godly woman is the one who has connected PAN to this family. This story is not finished yet. God is not finished with Rosa or any of us for that matter. We leave Rosa in God's care  and we give God the glory and honour in all that we do in the mighty name of Jesus.

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