Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Hello to all you amazing family and friends....
Thank you for all your love for us and your prays. We want you to know that we are experiencing your prayers over our team. We are protected, in peace and full of love. Thank you so much. We are all being stirred, stretched, and prodded.  Faith is rising and also a lot of questions as we see and experience the power of the Word of God in action.

This day was again the day of the Lord, the KING of KINGS. I woke up this morning to the beauty of the kiss of the warm sun and the fragrance of dew warming on the lush vegetation on the property of Shalom. After our full bowl of oatmeal and fresh fruit we sat and listened to the story of the women who had an issue of bleeding for 12 years with no resolution from the doctors and spent all her money. She made a decision to put all her faith in Jesus. She decide in her heart that if she could touch the hem of Jesus's clothing she would be healed. She made her way up through a crowd of people and reached Jesus and reached out her arm and touched the hem of His garment. She felt the power go into her body and felt her bleeding stop and she knew she was healed.  Jesus felt the power leave Him and knew someone touched Him and actually drew healing power from Him. He said, "who touched me?" and the disciples with Him wondered what he was talking about because there were so many people pressing against Him and touching Him. The woman heard Jesus say this and with fear and trembling she went up to Jesus and told him the whole truth. And Jesus said to her, "Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be healed of your affliction." As a team, we listened to this story with our eyes closed and we were asked to listen to what was being revealed to us. I heard the words, daughter, your faith has made you well.  My question was, what was her faith in?  The answer, was Jesus.  Her faith was completely in Jesus. She believed that if she touched his hem she would be healed. This woman drew on the fullness of Jesus to meet her need. I was so struck by this as I reflected on the perspective of what Jesus said. Whatever I believe, will come to pass. Will I dare to believe in such an awesome reality?  The reality of Jesus, who at that time, was fulfilling the heart of God for He was God - the fullness of His love and His desire to give us what we will believe for. I know this might seem " out there", but I want to encourage all of you that the goodness and the full counsel of the heart of God was seen through everything Jesus did.

We had the privilege and opportunity to go and be a part of a church service in the middle of a rainforest farming community. The roads that we took to get to this church continued to get more narrow. Every turn of hills and valleys with ruts would raise the hairs on the body of the best drivers. We made it, praise the Lord, with angels pushing us most of the way. We arrived and the community was already there singing. They had begun. We joined them and we were asked to teach and preach the good news of the word of God.  Annette, Barb, and I shared the love, the goodness, and the promises of God and how to stand on His word and promises in FAITH. We talked about the word of God being the seed and our hearts the soil and how the farmers could relate to seed and soil.  Leaving that seed in the fertile soil, and waiting in faith that it will do what God promised - to germinate in the heart, to grow roots,  a stem that will eventually crack the soil and emerge for the eye to see above the earth. This is a miracle every time you stand in faith, knowing that you planted that seed in the soil and trusted without seeing that it is alive and doing what it was created to do.  It grows to maturity then bares fruit for the harvest. That is exactly what the powerful promises and Words of God do. The Word of God, that seed is God's personal promise to you.  Whenever we encounter any decisions or obstacles in life, we need to find what the Word says for that situation.

When Jesus made this statement, "My Words are spirit and they are life" (John 6:63), He was teaching us to see His Promises through the eyes of faith.  The natural mind or the sense ruled mind cannot understand the things of the Spirit.  To simplify it - God or His Word is not bound by the laws of the natural or sense ruled world.  The world was created by the Spoken Word of God (Genesis 1).  This world and the very existence of life was conceived by God in the spirit realm, then made manifested in the natural realm.  Jesus looked at them and said: "With men it is impossible, but not with God; for with God all things are possible" (Mark 10:27).  We prayed for many people and to our knowledge, every person's need that was prayed for was met. We prayed for a pastor who had something stuck in his eye and it had affected his vision. After we prayed he opened his bible and his vision was clear.  A young girl of 15 wanted with all her heart to be filled with the Holy Spirit, so together with the pastor, and members of the congregation we prayed for her to be baptized and filled with the Holy Spirit. She began to cry and she told us that she could feel the Spirit come in and fill her. She had so much joy. We prayed for a elderly man who had physical heart issues and back issues from a fall. He too received what he asked for. A women who had an allergic reaction with intense itching in her upper body for three days was itch free and full of joy. These are a few of many more stories. This precious community of people are our new family and friends that we will never forget.

We praise the Lord for His Love of all the visible and of the not visible signs of His Kingdom Come here and now.  His will be done here and now in the time we spent with our new family. We will all continue to walk out this fullness of God together.

I leave you with this question, What is your need?

With a heart full of praise and humility toward the ONE - Father God be all the Glory
Kim Cochrane

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