Monday, December 9, 2013


Oh how he loves us.........

Today we are going to two prisons, the first one is a prison in Niquinohmo that has just been built. It is a brand new facility. It is basic and clean which is a considerable improvement from the last jail we experienced. There are two cells in this jail. Pastor Julio ex-courted us into the jail where we ministered the gospel to these precious men. He asked the men who had already given their heart to Jesus and two men put up their hands. Pastor Julio spoke with them and as he focused on the one group of men in the cell to the left, I had opportunity to share with the other men in the cell to the right.

God has placed an understanding in my heart that God loves everyone. God is pursuing each one of us with such passionate love to bring us out of darkness into the light which brings the truth of His son Jesus. Jesus did not come to judge but to save us. I looked into their eyes and could see the walls up to protect their broken hearts. I asked them to come close to me so I could share some of my own story with them. I spoke to them about how God had forgiven all my past sins, all the ways I had hurt others and God, even to the point of murder. Sometimes the harder thing to do, is to forgive ourselves for what we have done. A man named Pablo, was really having a hard time receiving this message. He said to me, " I cannot give myself fully to Jesus because I know I will fail him!" I said, "Pablo you will fail him, that is why we need a savior, and the point is, Jesus will not fail you! Jesus will come and live in you and he will give you the strength and wisdom to live the way he has created you to be. You become a new creation in Christ Jesus and you renew the spirit of your mind through the word of God and the Holy Spirit.

After I talked with Pablo and the other men, Pastor Julio came and asked all the men in both cells who was ready to receive Jesus as Savior and Lord. At that moment every man put up his hand!!!!! Pastor Julio lead them through a prayer to confess with their mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in their heart that God has raised Jesus from the dead. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. As these men had their heads down with their eyes closed, they spoke these words and tears streamed down their faces. We all celebrated their restored relationship with God through Jesus. They were all so full of joy and celebration. Pablo was literally jumping up and down, the joy within him was bursting forth. It was beautiful to be a part of these men receiving the love of God through His son Jesus. Jesus did not come to judge the world but to save the world. Oh how he loves us all.........

Pablo and all his new brothers in the family of Christ Jesus.

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