Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Faith hindered by our sight!

Rise and shine, it is a new day. Another beautiful sunrise in paradise in the midst of such oppression. Today we met with many who were being oppressed by heartache, sickness, cancer, witchcraft, lies, and so on, desperate for hope of a new day. Barb and I along with our translator Tanya went to minister at Manolo Morales Hospital. We met Marta at the hospital. Marta is an amazing woman who has laid down her life to God to serve people. She is the connection for PAN Mission to many of the hospitals to bring needed medical supplies, supporters for patients, and to pray for the sick in these hospitals.

This day we were led to a one room house that was used for families that live a long distance from this hospital, to provide a place to sleep and stay while their family member is being treated for cancer. We arrived at this one large room house that had multiple beds side by side. Family members and their sick loved ones sat on the beds and some chairs to listen to Marta share the good news of receiving Jesus as their savior and Lord. She spoke specifically to the men about their pride being the block which hardens their heart to hear and receive this beautiful gift of Jesus. Barb and I were able to share testimony of God's love and willingness and absolute desire to heal us. We prayed for many parents and their ailments and broken hearts to be healed in the name of Jesus. Many were healed in their heart, being lifted up and restored in hope, faith and joy. Many ailments restored with no more pain and complete relief.

We had the opportunity to pray for a young lady of about 18 years of age. She asked if we could pray for her. She told us that she had a tumor removed from her neck which left her with a  large vertical incision on the right side of her neck. She said, " I have so much pain in my neck and I cannot move it." I asked her if she knew the results of the surgery, and did they remove all the cancer. At that time she did not know the results. So I laid my hand on her heart and ministered the love of God to this young lady. She wept, and then we prayed for any cancer remaining to leave and be destroyed in the name of Jesus and spoke for all her muscles, tendons, all soft tissues and nerves to be restored in her neck to full capacity. All things being made new. We asked her how she is doing, and with joyful tears she spoke, " I have NO PAIN, AND I CAN MOVE MY NECK FREELY." We gave all the Glory to the Father with her. Glory be to God!!!!!

We have another story to share with you, one that we all face, a question of where our mind and heart are at. There was a man who was in the room and came up for prayer to be healed and set free. He had a very large tumor on the lower part of his jaw that protruded from his face the size of a golf ball. Barb prayed for this man. This is an honest account of our faith in God being hindered by what we see in front of us. 2nd Corinthians 5:7 says "For we walk by faith and not by sight." Sometimes the sight of what we see causes us to focus on that thing as something that is too big. It is impossible for this thing to leave and dissolve in front of our eyes when is seems so real and immoveable. Our belief and eyes on that thing (mountaian) becomes so powerful and our faith in God so weak, this results in nothing happening. We learn from our mistake of focusing on our 5 senses (sight, hearing, taste, feel and smell). Our faith must be in the ONE, by faith in the Son of God, JESUS.

We went to this country church in the hills. I call it the Pineapple Church. It is surrounded by pineapple fields. We arrive and the service is in full swing of clapping and signing with all their hearts praises God. The pastor is young, 20 something full of love for the Lord and the community around him. We shared the love of God and scriptures that confirm His love and promises to bring wholeness to broken hearts, broken spirits, broken bodies, any thing and all things that are broken. As we invited them to come up to receive from the Lord, they came up with such expectation for God to meet them in their need. Men, woman of all ages and children were standing with their arms reached out in front of them and the power of Gods love was tangibly touching them before we ever laid hands on them to pray. It was such a powerful sight to see people weeping and shaking under the gentle, power of the Most High bringing healing and restoration to their body, soul and spirit. There were so many testimonies of the manifest healing in these people. The woman above whom Lori is embracing shared that she had been so terribly heart broken from so much loss in her life. She said, her physical heart literally ached with so much emotional pain all the time for a number of years. Joy completely robbed  from her life. While Lori embraced this woman in prayer, the woman said." the power of Gods love entered her heart and dissolved all the deep, pain, burden and sadness from her heart and she experienced the peace, love and joy entering her heart and the ache completely gone." She said, "I am a brand new person, full of joy, my life restored." Wow that is our loving Fathers perfect way!!!!! So many were healed, every disease that plagued their bodies. WOW, Gods loving power to set the captives free is so believable, extraordinary.


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