Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Grace and her sons, Maynard and Marcello

Update on Graces' life. We met with Grace over a week ago and we are so excited to reunite with her. She had much to share with us both bad news and good news. I will start with the not so good news. A few days after we had met with Grace she went to pick up some coffee beans she purchased to sell as a means of income. After she picked them up she had the bags of beans in her lap and a number of young men came up to her and try to grab her purse and she fought back and they hit her on the head and pushed her out of the wheel chair, talking her purse and all her coffee, her potential income. She was left with a goose egg on her head, scraped knees, vulnerable to those who chose to rob, steal and destroy. THE GOOD NEWS. She still has a smile on her face and the hope and faith in the LORD are with her.

Grace shared with us that she made an appointment with the doctor to have a full medical assessment. The first miracle was the doctor did not charge her for this assessment. The second miracle is what the assessment results revealed. The doctor told her that she has LIFE IN HER SPINE!!!! Grace has life in the neuron pathways of her spine and he told her "YOU WILL WALK." The doctor set her up to receive physiotherapy four times a week. The amazing thing is; is that this was not her medical report assessment since the time she broke her neck over two years ago. She was told that she would not walk and that there was no neurological function to her lower half of her body, forearms and hands. Praise the Lord for God has the final say and His stamp of approval is HEALED AND DELIVERED. Thank you Father God for your LOVE that brings wholeness the way you created us to be. Thank you for the wonderful plans and purposes you have for Grace and her two beautiful boys.

Our final evening attending a church service in Managua at Pastor Jose's (Reparto Schick Church). The church is situated in a very rough and dangerous part of town. We found out they were starting an outreach the next day for a month in their community. They would go to the streets and share the good news of the  gospel in love with the manifest power of  God to help their fellowman. They were very grateful and encouraged as we shared the understanding and teaching that we have been learning. We prayed with them and once again witnessed the power of God manifest to bring healing and deliverance to many that evening. We prayed for the equipping of these saints for the love, wisdom and power of Jesus to flow through them to the ones they would meet. That people they meet would get set free from every bondage or form of oppression that is keeping them from walking in their freedom.   Praise God, for whom Jesus sets free is free indeed!!!!!!!


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